Training Events

Feb 4, 2025

This training is designed to provide participants with a better understanding of the value added by incorporating pavement preservation strategies into maintaining a roadway network. Gaining this better understating will be accomplished by providing participants the opportunity to become familiar with the general concept of pavement preservation and the valuable role it plays in maintaining a roadway network.

Feb 5, 2025

This training is designed to provide participants with a better understanding of the value added by incorporating pavement preservation strategies into maintaining a roadway network. Gaining this better understating will be accomplished by providing participants the opportunity to become familiar with the general concept of pavement preservation and the valuable role it plays in maintaining a roadway network.

Feb 6, 2025

This training is designed to provide participants with a better understanding of the value added by incorporating pavement preservation strategies into maintaining a roadway network. Gaining this better understating will be accomplished by providing participants the opportunity to become familiar with the general concept of pavement preservation and the valuable role it plays in maintaining a roadway network.

Mar 11, 2025

This workshop is designed to provide workers the basic knowledge necessary to safely and efficiently maintain highways. Participants will learn low cost methods to improve roadway safety, in order to reduce fatalities and injuries caused by road departures, collisions with fixed objects, and collisions at intersections.

Mar 12, 2025

This workshop is designed to provide workers the basic knowledge necessary to safely and efficiently maintain highways. Participants will learn low cost methods to improve roadway safety, in order to reduce fatalities and injuries caused by road departures, collisions with fixed objects, and collisions at intersections.

Mar 13, 2025

This workshop is designed to provide workers the basic knowledge necessary to safely and efficiently maintain highways. Participants will learn low cost methods to improve roadway safety, in order to reduce fatalities and injuries caused by road departures, collisions with fixed objects, and collisions at intersections.

May 13, 2025

Participants are sub-grouped at separate tables by department type. Each specialty group is challenged to identify and solve storm preparedness problems common to their division. Real-life “pre-, mid- and post-storm” issues are reviewed to develop proactive storm preparedness checklists for both facilities and field tasks.

May 14, 2025

Participants are sub-grouped at separate tables by department type. Each specialty group is challenged to identify and solve storm preparedness problems common to their division. Real-life “pre-, mid- and post-storm” issues are reviewed to develop proactive storm preparedness checklists for both facilities and field tasks.

May 15, 2025

Participants are sub-grouped at separate tables by department type. Each specialty group is challenged to identify and solve storm preparedness problems common to their division. Real-life “pre-, mid- and post-storm” issues are reviewed to develop proactive storm preparedness checklists for both facilities and field tasks.