1st Southeastern Peer Exchange for Resilient and Sustainable concrete Bridges

Vision Statement
A regional collaboration for concrete structures, promoting holistic RESILIENT and SUSTAINABLE infrastructure solutions with a focus on efficient highway and pedestrian bridges.

Increasing RESILIENCE (robust strength, durability, long service-life, and dynamic adaptability) using SUSTAINABLE (dynamic adaption, lower embodied energy and GHG/CO2 emissions, incorporating recycled, repurposed and upscaled materials) structures, for EFFECTIVE & EFFICIENT (materials, fabrication, hauling, construction and design practices) solutions considering mature and emerging technologies.

August 8th, 2023 

Renaissance Mobile Riverview Plaza Hotel
64 South Water Street
Mobile, Alabama

Session 1 (12pm – 1:30pm)
Part 1: Round table discussion of goals and commitments (24-minutes)
Part 2a: Technical presentations of State of the Art in member states (30 minutes + 4min break)
Part 2b: Technical presentations of State of the Art in member states (30 minutes)
         *** Breakout (120 minutes) ***
(Refreshments, SASHTO Closing General Session & Awards 1:30-3:30pm, Exhibit Hall, SPxRBS informal meetings)

Session 2 (3:30pm-6:00pm)
Part 3: Technical presentations of Manufacturer & Materials Acceptance (60-min + 4min break)
Part 4: Technical presentation and discussion on Research Needs (30-min)
Part 5: Technical presentation Open Topics (30-min + 4 min)
Part 6: Final Q&A, Wrap Up assignment of Follow-up Tasks and Champions. (22 minutes)


Part 1 – Introduction

  • Spark Presentation AB01: What are Resilient & Sustainable Materials for Bridges and Structures – Low Hanging Fruit (Prasad Rangaraju)
  • Spark Presentation AB02: ACI’s Perspective on Sustainability Structural Concrete (Antonio Nanni)
  • Spark Presentation AB03: Strategies on Resilience for Bridges & Structures

Part 2 – Owners Perspective


Part 3 – Manufacturers’ Perspective


Part 4 – Research Needs (pending)


Part 5 – General Topics


Part 6 – Closing Q&A Wrap-up (pending)

Registration Fees
Public Employees (local, state, federal agencies) – Free
SASHTO Registered Conference Attendees – Free
All Others – $50