Build a Better Mousetrap

We would like to thank you for your interest in recognizing innovative ideas in your State. For over a decade, the Build a Better Mousetrap national recognition program, formerly known as the BABM National Competition, has highlighted some truly amazing and locally relevant transportation innovations. Our goal is to share and celebrate this creative work. Whether the idea is big or small, these ideas change the way agencies perform their work. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is providing this process guide on nominating your local and tribal applicants.

We want to make this process as easy and rewarding as possible for you. Please submit as many nominations as you deem worthy under the four categories.

What is Build a Better Mousetrap?

The Build a Better Mousetrap (BABM) national recognition program highlights locally relevant, innovative solutions and provides a platform to share innovations to everyday challenges that local and tribal transportation professionals encounter on local roads. These local road solutions range from the development of new project delivery or design processes to the invention of new tools, equipment, or modifications that increase efficiency, enhance safety, reduce cost, and/or improve the quality of transportation on local roads.

What are the four BABM entry categories?




Any solution that addresses any or all phase(s) of the “project” life cycle— Planning, Design/Engineering, Construction, Operations, and Maintenance. This project shall introduce new ideas and be locally relevant, original, and creative in thinking.

Application & Example

Any or all phase(s) of the “project” life cycle—Planning, Design/Engineering, Construction, Operations, and Maintenance

BABM 2023 Honoree—The Mobile Sensing Traffic (MUST) Device, Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation babm_winners.aspx#innovative

SMART Transformation

A locally relevant, significant change in any transportation activity or process that is SMART, “Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time bound,” in nature that results in improved efficiencies.

Any transportation process, practice, or procedure

BABM 2023 Honoree—Solar-Powered Remote Cameras for Emergency Response, St. Louis County Public Works Department babm_winners.aspx#smart

Bold Steps

Any locally relevant, high-risk project or process showing a breakthrough solution with demonstrated high reward.

Any transportation project or process

BABM 2023 Honoree—Road Diet to Preserve Old Bridge, New Jersey Department of Transportation babm_winners.aspx#boldsteps


A locally relevant, product/tool that is among the first to solve a maintenance problem with a home-grown solution.

Any product/tool; maintenance solution in nature

BABM 2023 Honoree—Safe Sightings of Signs and Signals (SSOSS) Software Application, City of Walnut Creek, CA babm_winners.aspx#pioneer

How to Participate

The Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) Centers shall host a local competition and select nominations they would like to enter the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) national recognition program:

  • BABM is open to any government agency (city, county, state and Tribal) in the South Carolina.
  • Applicants must apply to their nearest LTAP Center to qualify for the national recognition.
  • Multiple nominations in multiple categories may be submitted. 
  • Photographs are required to illustrate each entry, with owner’s credit shown, and should be submitted as separate files.
  • An optional Spotlight Video can be submitted to demonstrate the problem, development, and working solution.
  • Applicants must respect Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) principles.

Previously submitted entries are not eligible for resubmission unless significant, unique, and innovative enhancements have been made to the entry. At its sole discretion, FHWA reserves the right to disqualify entries that fail to show that significant improvements have been made to a previously submitted product or technology. Nominations are accepted only through the LTAP Center and are due by May 2, 2025.

How are the Honorees selected?

Honorees will be selected by an independent panel of judges and will be announced at the annual National Local and Tribal Technical Assistance Program (NLTAPA) Conference.

In each category, we are looking for original, innovative projects that provide long-term value to the transportation community. In selecting an Honoree, the following criteria will be considered:

  • Overall Impact—Measure of the overall improvement, effectiveness, efficiency, savings, and/or benefit of the innovation as applied to the process or project where it has been implemented.
  • Community/Agency Benefit—The extent and scope of the potential impact of the innovation onthe transportation industry. Innovations that have the potential for broad/national impactbeyond the local agency will be scored higher.
  • Originality—Creativity of the innovation across the transportation industry.
  • Applicability to Others—Extent to which the innovation may be easily adopted and implemented by peer local agencies and tribal communities.
  • Cost Effectiveness—Cost savings (immediate and/or life cycle cost) of the innovation.
  • Time Savings—Time, schedule, or efficiency savings of the innovation.
  • Quality of the Submitted Application—Entries with a Spotlight Video will receive bonus points!

A top Honoree will be selected for each category. Honoree benefits include FHWA national recognition and promotion, exposure on the FHWA website, and the opportunity to have the innovation showcased at local and national transportation events. In addition, from the list of top Honorees, a Best of Innovation award will be made by casting votes at the annual NLTAPA conference.

All qualifying entries will be compiled into an electronic booklet and posted on the FHWA’s Local Aid Support (LAS) website so that you and your peers and customers can learn more about the best practices from around the country. The recognition of any submission does not constitute FHWA endorsement or support of the submission. Patented and/or proprietary products are not eligible for inclusion/consideration.