2023 Education Summit

April 3-5, 2023
Madren Center
Clemson University
100 Madren Center Dr.


Days until the Summit 

The ASCE Civil Engineering Education Summit, held in Dallas, Texas in May 2019, brought together over 200 educators, practitioners, and other professionals to consider the future opportunities and challenges related to preparing civil engineers to address and meet society’s needs. Summit discussions and workshops identified four major objectives as initial pathways toward achieving the goals:

Objective 1:
Reexamine, and potentially redefine, the domain of
Civil Engineering.

Objective 2:
Elevate professional skills to a truly equal footing with technical skills.

Objective 3:
Develop a diverse, inclusive, equitable, and engaging culture in the profession.

Objective 4:
Foster an ongoing commitment to transformative education.


Through the National Science Foundation Revolutionizing Engineering Departments (RED) program, numerous engineering and computer science departments have taken on many of these same challenges. The RED projects have produced a wealth of information about academic change processes, and the RED Participatory Action Research Team at Rose-Hulman and the University of Washington has followed the work of these teams and captured the secret sauce to help others achieve their desired changes. The 2023 ASCE Civil Engineering Education Summit will share adoption-ready transformations created by the NSF RED program, tools and training designed to equip teams with the skills necessary to accomplish their academic change goals, access to industry partners who can help create change, a robust network of change partners, and opportunities to define future academic change for our profession and our global society. The conference will be held April 3-5, 2023 at Clemson University on the shores of Lake Hartwell in Clemson, South Carolina. We hope you will join us, take the challenge, and be the change!


Martin Inn (Conference hotel): $154/night (call 864-656-9020, mention Education Summit)

Lakeside Lodge: $100/night (call 864-722-2500, mention Abbee Tannery or Civil Engineering)

Tru by Hilton – $124/night Book Online Here

The Abernathy – $145/night Book Online Here


Transit shuttles will be provided between the Martin Inn/Madren Center Conference Venue and the three off-site hotels (Tru by Hilton, Lakeside Lodge, and The Abernathy). 

Shuttles between GSP Airport and Clemson will be offered on a limited basis on Sunday and Wednesday.  Please email Abbee Tannery abbeec@clemson.edu for details.